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DIY vs Professional IMMOBILISER Installation: Which Is Right for Your Car? | GVE London – Blog
Learn about car immobilisers, how they work, and whether to install one yourself or hire a professional for the job. Tips on installation and safety features.
The safety features modern-day cars are equipped with are quite impressive. They protect the passengers inside, pedestrians in case of an unfortunate incident, and the car itself. One such feature, which is our topic for today, is an IMMOBILISER. In this blog post, we’ll learn about what an IMMOBILISER is and the best way to install it.
Understanding the Role of a Car IMMOBILISER
Gone are the days when a thief would simply break the window of a car, hop into the driver’s seat, remove their ski mask, and jump-start it by connecting some random wires. (Fun fact: this process is called hotwiring.) With most modern cars being equipped with an IMMOBILISER, this is no longer possible.
What an IMMOBILISER does is create an almost two-factor process for your car starting up. Step one is as you’d expect: inserting your key into the ignition and firing it up. Step two, however, is where the magic lies. A modern key comes equipped with a chip inside it that can communicate with the car’s engine control system or unit, depending on how one prefers to call it.
If this signal is not correct—and it must be the specific type of signal tied to the chip in the key—the car will not start. To jump-start it, the IMMOBILISER system must be properly disarmed using the authorised key or fob. Cutting off the battery won’t disarm it, FYI. IMMOBILISERs have their own power supply from a separate source.
Read Also: Car Trackers: Features You Should Look For
Are IMMOBILISERs the Same as GPS Systems?
Supercar trackers, GPS systems basically, and IMMOBILISERs are not the same product. They serve two distinct purposes; however, they are complementary to each other. A brand like SmarTrack manufactures both, as they’re both necessary, covering different grounds.
IMMOBILISER Installation: DIY or Hire a Pro?
We’ll jump the gun here and say that it is indeed recommended to get your immobiliser installation from a professional instead of doing it yourself. While it is absolutely possible to DIY it, here is why you might want to consider going to a supercar service centre like GVE London to get it installed, especially if you own a high-performance or luxury car:
- The complexity of your car should not be underestimated. Modern cars are no longer bare-bones like those of the older generation. They include numerous electrical components, making tasks such as immobiliser and tracker installation considerably more complicated, to say the least.
- The consequences of messing up must be considered. The immobiliser system may block the engine if the wiring is incorrect or if the system fails to communicate with the car’s ECU, and incorrect connections or poor handling of the car’s wiring could short-circuit or damage key electrical components.
- Many manufacturers require professional installation for immobilisers to keep the warranty valid.
- If your intention is to save costs, hiring a professional to fix a botched job would likely cost more in the long run.
- Overall, it’s just more time-effective to get a professional to take care of it.
Nonetheless, DIY has its Own Perks
- It is a fun and learning experience. To be able to operate, successfully, on the machine you own is a great feeling.
- It is definitely more cost-effective, as it only requires your time and labour, provided you already have all the tools that may be required.
Long story short, if you’re confident in your skill level, ready to take on the challenge, and have the needed knowledge and tools, it is possible to DIY immobiliser installation. However, for a more time-effective and instant fix, it’s best to get it done by a professional from a supercar service centre like GVE London. Looking for anything supercar-related? From PPF to custom exhausts, to the basics like services and repairs, we take care of all things cars!
Frequently Asked Questions
The installation time depends on the specific immobiliser model and the car it is being installed in. Typically, it takes between 1 to 4 hours.
Yes, most modern cars can have an immobiliser installed. However, some vehicles may require additional work or modifications depending on their make and model.
Yes, after installing an immobilizer, you will usually need to reprogram your key or key fob. This ensures it syncs with the new system, allowing the vehicle to start.
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